Current weather conditions
in Billigheim-Allfeld

06.05.2024 at 18:00 o´clock:
FYI: Date format = DD.MM.YYYY / Time-Format = 24h

The temperature is currently 14,0 °C / 57,2 °F .

Temperature maximum at 13:20 o´clock: 17,4 °C / 63,3 °F
Temperature minimum at 06:00 o´clock: 13,2 °C / 55,8 °F

Humidity: 93 %
Dew point: 12,9 °C / 55,2 °F
Air pressure: 1007,9 hPa / 29,763 inHG

The wind is blowing from 240 ° / W-SW
with a speed of 29,0 km/h / 18,0 mph.

Precipitation last hour: 0,0 l/m² / 0,000 in
Precipitation last 24 hours: 4,6 l/m² / 0,181 in

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